Jan 23rd - 24th, 2015, Submersible Turbine Pump National Standard
In order to compile with "Submersible Turbine Pump National Standard", during annual meeting (23/01 – 24/01), we invited CNPC/CNAF experts Yunhua Zhang, Wenzhong Xu, Daoqing Wang, CQST experts Dingfa Xue, Yonghui He, Ziqian Bian, Binjiang Zhen, Sinopec experts Yuehua Zheng, Li Chen, Liang Lei, Fuqing Zhang, Taojin Wu etc. After visiting our factory and long discussion regards to safety and reliability of our products, experts’ conclued that, "Lvpai" submersible turbine fuel pumps are high-tech, energy efficiency and environment friendly products. It has been a great encouragement to us.